Fri, Feb

It was a memorable day for the Nigeria–Ghana region of the Society of St Paul as Rev. Valentine Mmaduabuchukwum Obumkaneme, SSP was ordained a Catholic priest.  The ceremony took place on the 3rd of November in the Catholic Church of the Ascension Ibadan at 9 am. The Mass was presided over by His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Gabriel 'Leke Abegunrin, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ibadan.

Present at the ordination were Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Igbekele, the Rector Magnificus of the prestigious Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija; Fr. Joseph Kandachamkunnel SSP, Regional Superior of the Society of Saint Paul Nigeria-Ghana Region; and Rev. Fr. Francis Awotoye, the Parish Priest of the Church of the Ascension. There were also priests, religious brothers and sisters, and the faithful people of God

The Holy Mass began with a grand procession from the sacristy. The readings, psalms, and Gospel were read and sung in the established sacred tranquillity. Then the Regional superior gave the homily. He highlighted that the priesthood is a divine call to humble service and love of God and His Church, a call to servant leadership. Furthermore, he noted, that Paulines are media apostles called to spread God's salvific message through the means of social communication. He concluded by committing the candidate to Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and Blessed James Alberione.

The ordination Ceremony concluded with a solemn blessing and procession outside the sanctuary after which there was a felicitation program in honor of Fr. Valentine in the premises of the Community of Ibadan.

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