Fri, Feb

The formation council of the Nigeria-Ghana region met with the parents of the juniors from 5 to 8 September in Ibadan. It was the first of its kind. The meeting was scheduled to promote familiarity between the parents of the juniors. Its aim was for them to know the congregation, and the progress made by their sons and to seek their support and collaboration for the future.

The meeting began on the 6 of September with the Holy Mass officiated by the Coordinator-General of Formation (CGF), Rev. Fr. James Edeh and concelebrated by Fr. Desmond Shinshima, (Vocations Director) and Fr. Praveen Jose (Master of Novices), in the community chapel at 10:00 am. The chief celebrant welcomed the parents in his homily and stated that the gathering was for a good course. Afterwards, the parents assembled in the study room for the day’s sessions. There was a cultural night, organised by the brothers to wind up the day.

The succeeding days saw a series of meetings held between the formators and parents. The Regional Superior had a brief moment with the parents. The meetings ended with an interactive session between the juniors, the parents and the formators. After over two hours of sharing, the session was concluded by the CGF. He urged the parents to be more involved in the congregation's activities and declared that the meeting would be held every 3years.

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